one day,, before i sleep, i was think about my best fried,, but its really sad, coz i dont have any best friend yet..then to find someone which truely can make friendship is sooo harddd, why???? hurmmm, scare jujur aku ckp.. people throw this word around too freely,,, mcm ade kawan berjuta-juta, x kire fb, ym, twitter dan mcm2 lg,, BUT, those are my “friends”???? bg aku if you can count 5 real friends in your life right now consider yourself a LUCKY person.. and i will respectttt u...i see a lot of people just like to party with me and make jokes with me but sometimes make me really angry,,,sorry to say,, coz of this aku x kan sesekali anggap korang kawan baik aku,, bg aku
dgn korang hanya life time job.. walaupun dah mcm adik bradik tp bg aku hanye kwan biase... sorry to say,, i think ur understnd with my condition..
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